Springs Family Veterinary Hospital

9 Hampstead Place Suite 105
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866




Practicing with HEART♥♥♥
Fear Free protocols reduce stress in pets!
                            ~by Macy Fitzgerald, LVT


doctor with cat


Ever wonder why we are so passionate about Fear Free? Why we go to such great lengths to practice as many Fear Free protocols as possible? In this issue, we thought we'd explain some of the core values that make our practice Fear Free and why your pet might find vet visits less stressful at our hospital.


fear free


Before we welcome a pet into their appointment, there is a lot of behind the scenes action to make sure the experience is both individualized and as seamless as possible. This starts with taking the time to learn about your pet’s preferences and needs before they are even placed onto our schedule.


cat with treat


pet gear


dog with toy


First, pet parents are provided a questionnaire to fill out about their pet. These fillable sheets are easy to complete over email and are promptly added into your pet’s chart along with their previous medical records. From the questions asked, we can begin to get a feel for how your pet feels about going to the vet and what has helped in the past. In order to keep this information organized for each patient, we keep an emotional medical record. This is a brightly colored box that exists on each pet’s chart for anyone who will give care to your pet to see. This way, we can make sure that coming to our hospital is a customized experience. After all, each pet is different; and we want to make sure that a visit here is as individual as they are!


cat and dog


Some examples of notes we might use include “prefers to be examined on the floor instead of the table” or “owner will call before entering.” Did you know that we will come to pets rather than placing them up on exam tables? For pets that are uncomfortable around other dogs, we will make sure that the coast is clear inside our waiting room so that they can enter the hospital with confidence.


fear free


Aside from all that we do individually, there are also special practices that we use in our hospital that benefit each pet that enters. These are the little things that make a big difference to pets, such as how we take temperatures. Traditionally, rectal temperatures are taken for pets, however here we prefer to use ear thermometers that allow us to get both an accurate but a much less invasive reading.


ear therm


Our veterinarians move at a pace that best supports the comfort of the pet in front of them. By assessing wants vs. needs, we are able to take care of the most important parts of a pet’s visit while allowing more time and assistance for things that can be completed at a later date. For instance, a pet who was able to receive their vaccines with ease but had trouble with a nail trim might be best helped by coming back at a later date to complete the nail trim. Your pet’s doctor will be able to decide if anti-anxiety pharmaceuticals can help. We love to keep visits positive, and pets happy!


fear free


Additionally, the structure of our hospital itself was built through the eyes of pets. We considered what a nervous or fearful pet would see and feel from their point of view when entering and decided to cater the experience to them. Geared toward species specific preferences, we have separate entrances for both dogs and cats, non-slip flooring throughout our hospital, and even species specific pheromones diffusing in their subsequent rooms. This even means every pet’s favorite: converting a cold, metal scale into a soft, treat table game!


waiting area


our building


For our pet parents, thoughtful care is our priority. Pets are kept together with owners, as we complete treatments in exam rooms. Most animals are comforted by their owners; we think this is a wonderful opportunity to provide reassurance for them. After each appointment, a friendly Client Care Coordinator will be checking in to ensure your pet is doing well after their visit. If any concerns arise, phone support is always available during our open hours.




We love to encourage pets to come out of their shell and begin to enjoy coming to see us. At the conclusion of each and every visit, we hope that you find comfort in knowing that the feelings of your pet were placed first!


dog with stethoscope

♥  See you next visit!  ♥