Springs Family Veterinary Hospital

9 Hampstead Place Suite 105
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866



Smiling Golden Puppy

 ~ New Clients ~

Welcome, New Client! 

We are excited to meet you and your pet(s)! The first step in establishing at our hospital is the transfer of medical records from previous hospitals. This allows us to obtain a thorough understanding of your pet's medical and behavioral history, which will result in a more effective and efficient (including cost-efficient) visit with us. If you haven't already done so, please request your pet's complete medical history be emailed to us at: sfvhstaff@springsfamilyvet.com.

We'd also love to set up a file for you and your pet(s). When you have time to do so, please call us at (518) 554-8484 to do so. We will gather some account information and ask you about your pet's behavioral history, especially when entering a veterinary hospital and during exams/treatments. We will also ask you to complete a brief questionnaire and email it to us prior to the first appointment. The information you provide will help us reduce any fear, anxiety, and/or stress your pet may experience, so please help us by completing the questionnaire as soon as possible, even if you don't think your pet has had any prior fear at the vet. We typically email the questionnaire prior to scheduling, but there is also a printable form you may access via the link below.

Once we have a complete file set up and medical history attached, we can discuss scheduling options. Please be aware that it may be several weeks before we can see your pet for his or her first appointment. Once your pet is an established patient with us, more scheduling options will open up and the wait to be seen is typically less than the first visit. 

Please visit the "Preparing For Your Visit" page for tips on how to set up your pet's appointment for success! We ask that you bring your pet to the appointment just a little hungry, and accompanied with their favorite toy and treats!

If you have any questions regarding office visit and treatment fees prior to your first appointment, please call our hospital as soon as possible to talk with a member of our team. While we are happy to provide an estimate before the first visit, please recognize that if you have health concerns about your pet there may be treatment recommended that we cannot predict ahead of time. Payment for services rendered is expected at the time of the visit. We accept cash, major credit cards, and Care Credit. We are unable to accept personal or business checks.

We look forward to partnering with you to provide your pet the highest level of comprehensive and compassionate medical care! Please don't hesitate to reach out to us at anytime if questions arise.

Dr. Sara Ryan and the Springs Family Vet Staff

Click HERE to download and print our Fear Free Questionnaire!

Completed questionnaires can be emailed to sfvhstaff@springsfamilyvet